Monday, January 4, 2010

Me?? A blogger?? - 35 til 35 - DAY ONE a few months ago a friend of mine started this really cool project. In the 30 days coming up to his 30th birthday he did something each day that he had never done before (Thank you Brian Ford!). Since I am always looking for ways to make my life more exciting (like I need something else to do!!) and since my 35th birthday is approaching, I decided to steal his idea to mark this milestone. Of course, I told Darlene, and she is doing it too. So for the next 35 days I will be embarking on one new adventure a day. Some of them are pretty minor, some pretty major, some will make me uncomfortable, some will be really exciting, but all will be things I have never done before.

So this is day one, and my "thing" for today is starting a blog. I have always wanted to do this....but I was worried I wouldn't have anything to say that other people would want to I doubted my ability to keep being witty every day in a blog! But therein lies the challenge! Not only do i have to document this adventure, but do so in a way that people really want to read! I feel the pressure mounting already! LOL Anyway, for the next 35 days, I will journal my adventures in pushing my own boundaries. When I am able I will include pictures, maybe even video (and looking at my list there are some things that i KNOW people are gonna wanna see!!)

I cant tell you whats on my list....but to keep you coming back here are a few, nudity, farm animals, needles, surf, gangsters....and the list goes on! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the idea! I plan to follow you-that will be a good test for me too. I've had the same fears about blogging, so I will follow you. What a neat idea. If you want feedback from your 'followers' let us know! Here's to your growth over the next 35 days! (why couldn't you have the baby within the 35? THAT is definitely a great first adventure! LOL) Kisses!
